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Blue Moon Of Kentucky
Music: Bill Monroe Key: A, original C Tempo (bpm) ca.: 90 Measure: 4/4 binary Genre: Country Style: Standard Variation: Continue after 1st chorus in 4/4, tempo 180
Chords: A A7 D Dm E E7
Blue |moon of Ken|tucky, keep on |shining, |··
|A |A7 |D | |
shine |on the one that's |gone and left me |blue. |··
|A | |E | |
Blue |moon of Ken|tucky, keep on |shining, |··
|A |A7 |D | |
shine |on the one that's |gone and left me |blue. |··
|A |E7 |A | |
It was |on one moonlight |night, the |stars shining |bright.
|D | |A | |
And they |whispered from on |high: "Your |Love has said good|bye".
|D | |A |E7 |
Blue |moon of Ken|tucky keep on |shining, |··
|A |A7 |D |Dm |
shine |on the one that's |gone and left me |blue. |··